Voting In Mecklenburg County
Voting in elections is a great way to get involved, share your voice, and be active in your community. When voting, voters have many ways they may choose to cast their vote. Absentee voting provides an alternative to the traditional method of appearing in person and casting a ballot on election day. See what options best fit your needs from the options below.
Note: Numerous outside organizations have sent forms to targeted individuals. As long as these forms are dated for the current year and are blank when received by the voter - the form can be completed and returned. The form can be mailed or hand delivered to our office.

How to vote if you are Sick or Disabled after the request deadline for an absentee ballot has passed?
You must apply in person or have a near relative or verifiable legal guardian apply in person at the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections office and a Ballot will be hand delivered to you. Our offices are located at 741 Kenilworth Ave, Suite 202.
This option is only available for sick or disabled voters after 8:00 am on the Wednesday prior to each election but not later than 5:00 pm on the Monday before each election.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or 704-336-2133.
Voting Equipment
Mecklenburg County Board of Elections uses the hardware below to help ensure your voice is heard on election day.
Watch our video overview for more information about these machines.

Election Systems DS200
The DS200 is a poll place ballot scanner and vote tabulator that combines the flexibility and efficiency of digital-imaging technology to support paper-based voting. Mecklenburg County Board of Elections uses this hardware to tabulate ballots in the precincts.
Election Systems DS850
The DS850 is the fastest central scanner in the election industry. Mecklenburg County Board of Elections uses this hardware to scan absentee by mail ballots.

Election Systems ExpressVote
The ExpressVote Universal Voting System uses touch-screen technology that produces a paper record for tabulation. Mecklenburg County Board of elections uses this hardware as an assistive technology to support the needs of voters with visual limitations.