Information for Candidates

You have decided to run for office. You will need to file for the office and you will also need to open a Campaign Finance Committee.  Check our election schedule for the filing dates for the office in which you wish to run. 

Your committee needs to be open within 10 days of you accepting or spending money to run.   You must be affiliated with a party for 90 days prior to the day you file for office in that party.  If you are not affiliated with a party, you must complete petitions in order to run for office.  

The North Carolina State Board of Elections published the Campaign Finance Manual.  They also published a Candidates Guide and a Municipal Candidates Guide.   

Opening Your Committee

The State Board of Elections and county boards of elections regulate contributions and expenditures in primaries and elections for North Carolina offices. The Federal Election Commission regulates contributions and expenditures in primaries and elections for federal offices.

The following forms need to be completed to open your Campaign Finance Committee:

  1. Statement of Organization (CRO-2100 A)

  2. Certification of Financial Accounts (CRO - 3500)

  3. Designation of Committee Funds (CRO - 3900)

  4. General Notice of Candidacy 

These forms can be mailed or hand delivered by the candidate only.  

You must designate a treasurer. You may be your own treasurer;  your spouse may not be your treasurer.  The   treasurer must attend a training.  

Campaign Sign Regulations

The General Assembly of North Carolina passed Senate Bill 315 in August of 2011 that permits campaign signs in the right-of-way. Signs are permitted during the period beginning on the 30th day before the beginning date of "one-stop" early voting and ending the 10th day after the primary or election day. No campaign sign should exceed six square feet in area or 42" in height.

It is a class 3 misdemeanor for a person to steal, deface, vandalize or unlawfully remove a political sign that is lawfully placed.

Ordinances from state and local municipalities:

State: Littering statutesReport Violations
Charlotte: Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Cornelius: Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Davidson:  Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Huntersville:  Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Matthews:  Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Mint Hill: Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Pineville: Sign OrdinanceReport Violations
Stallings: Sign OrdinanceReport Violation

Candidate Checklist

It is important to follow the guidelines listed below in order for your committee to run smoothly:

1. Read the Candidate or Municipal Election Guide.

2. Read the Campaign Finance Manual

3. Download the reporting software.

4. Open your committee and file your first report.

5. Sign up for mandatory training.

6. Check your reporting schedule.

7. Study sign regulations (listed above).

8. Get to know your district.